Blessings Always Before Us



We are so blessed to live in this valley. We can sleep with blankets at night with the windows open and no air conditioning. The freshness clears your soul.

One of the blessings of being retired is my husband and I have time and energy to say a prayer together at night. We both take our turns talking to our higher self, or God, or whatever force we deem as pure and good. It is like talking to your best friend. We state the things we are so grateful for, such as good health, the ability to be retired after working almost 60 years. We bless the high mountain air and truth. We ask for our country and the world to come into truth, justice and integrity for all of humanity and we ask how we can be of service. It is a beautiful, peaceful way to go to sleep.

As an example of the blessings of this valley, my husband was walking our son’s geriatric 16-year-old dog, who still loves life, down the bike path about a block from our home. She collapsed, and within moments four cars stopped to offer help. Where can you find that kind of caring from strangers in a moment’s notice? Here, in this valley!

I have a theory about living here. No one lives here because they have to if they are over 18. You live here by choice and that makes a huge energy difference in the vibration of the area. It raises the quotient of joy that radiates throughout this area. If we can all take time to be the giving stranger in someone’s life, we can raise the vibration even higher.

As I have stated in the past, I am a gardener and this year I decided to try the impossible, as I live up north and my house is 10 degrees colder than much of the valley. Frost comes to our area much longer, so if the weather says the low is going to be 42 degrees at night, I must cover the garden because that means I will be freezing.

My impossible dream is I planted corn!!! I love fresh corn right out of the garden and with great optimism I put the corn seeds in the ground. My grandfather always said corn must be knee-high by the Fourth of July if it is to mature. Well, I believe that I can have fresh corn from the garden. I will let you know in September.

Find something, anything, that brings you joy. It can be as simple as a fresh breeze, but appreciate it, marvel at it. Do this every day and the little things can build into magnificent energy. Let’s keep this place we call home blessed and the only way to do that is to use your thoughts of gratitude. Express them often. Much love, Dove