Sun Valley Culinary Institute Offers A Passport to Dining


By Mike McKenna

A good meal offers a lot more than just tasty calories; a good meal can provide us with creative outlets, social connections, and can literally make us feel better.

Studies have shown that eating good food releases dopamine—which is known as the “feel good” neurotransmitter. Helping others also makes us feel good. Thankfully, the team at the Sun Valley Culinary Institute (SVCI) is offering locals a way to eat well and do some good while we’re at it.

The Passport to Dining program invites folks to eat at half of the 34 local restaurants participating from throughout the Valley. It’s good for both take-out and dining in. Participants will then be eligible to win a night in Boise, including a stay at Hotel 43 and dinner at Chandler’s.

Passports can be picked up at participating restaurants or The Chamber’s Welcome Center in Hailey and must be returned by December 28. For more information, go or call (208) 913-0494.

“The Passport is a simple way to give back and eat well,” Karl Uri said.

Karl is the director for SVCI, moving to the Valley just over a year ago to take up the position after regularly visiting here for 45 years. Moving to Ketchum and taking over the Culinary Institute has been an ideal move for Karl.

“I have been in and around food for my entire life,” he said.

Originally from Seattle, Karl spent 17 years at the Alaskan Seafood Marketing Institute and has worked with chefs all over the country. He has also served as a cookbook reviewer and worked on countless recipe designs. Karl’s experience in all aspects of the culinary world, from farm and sea to table and from recipe to plate, has helped make the dream of SVCI come true.

SVCI officially opened last spring and offers three benefits for our community. First, it’s a Professional Culinary School, which is currently accepting applications and follows the 2-4 Model; the school combines intense skills work in class for two months, followed by four months of working in the field for local restaurants. The Enthusiast Cooking School is the second tier. These demonstration-based cooking classes were very popular this summer and will resume in December. Finally, SVCI offers a cool small event space on Main and Second streets in Ketchum. Several local caterers already regularly use the facility.

“Things have been very successful and the cooking classes have been a great new addition to life in the Wood River Valley,” Karl said.

The Culinary Institute may not even be a year old yet, but it’s already reminding us that Julia Child was right when she said, “People who love to eat are always the best people.” They’re usually some of the happiest, too.

The Turkey Trot is on! Special COVID precautions will include staggered start times to allow for social distancing. To sign up for more information, please go to or call (208) 788-3484.