Hugs For Balance


Did you know that whenever you hug somebody, the energy rises to the frequency of the person with the highest vibration? It does not even matter what type of hug it is, it just has to be that connection to someone with pure focus, even just for a moment.
A hug can balance your energy in a breath. Just think about what hugging your animal does for your energy, because our animals share their energy and hold nothing back. The pure joy you receive when hugging an animal is off the charts. I found that my animals could totally change my energy. How blessed we are to have animals and each other to hug.
Instead of having a day that celebrates race or color or history month, why don’t we have a day to celebrate giving hugs from the heart, either energetically or physically. Just think how the energy would expand if none of us were afraid to just hug our neighbor or the clerk who served us at the store. The hug can be in the version of a compliment, not always a physical touch.
I have heard it stated that it takes twelve hugs a day just for survival. Have you given or received your hugs today? You can always hug a tree—they love to be hugged!
We are blessed with physical sensations that move us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We can read something that makes us feel, or watch a movie that makes us cry. How blessed we are with these abilities to perceive joy.
Balance in life is a very special gift. It seems to make everything work in harmony. When we are balanced, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, life flows easily. It is only when our focus becomes so one-sided that our ability to live with ease evaporates.
I always try to look at how I am balancing my life to determine where I need to change some things. If I am focusing too much on the spiritual, without taking care of the physical, I find that I am ungrounded and not able to function in the physical world with joy. If I participate too much in the physical side of life, ignoring the spiritual, I also find I become separated from my intuition and higher self. That also does not work for me. If I mentally let the world news and energy become dominant, I find that I get very tense, and my joy disappears.
I know myself well enough that each day I must find time to be creative, be it with cooking, gardening, sewing or any of the other choices I choose to play with. I have come to know that, for me, the balance of life is essential for my health. I must incorporate all aspects of self into my weekly existence. I don’t have to do it every day, but my week must consist of a variety of energy—physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
Have you had your hugs today? If not, give yourself one. Better yet, find a live person to hug.
When I worked in an office, we always started the day with a hug. Hug yourself into balance. Hug someone today and raise both of your frequencies. You can even hug your dragon. Blessings, Dove