BY Dove

Have you ever thought about how to raise your frequency? How do you make yourself feel better when you have the same old energies bombarding your environment daily?  How can you get up in the morning believing things will improve from the same old habits you practice?  Well, in truth, if you practice the same old habits, that’s what you will get. If you switch your habits about, you will get different experiences that have the potential to raise your vibration or not, depending upon your focus.

I lie in bed in the morning for a few minutes and decide what energy I want to experience today. What motivation do I need to put forward to make the simplest day magical? Always for me at this stage in life it is about keeping the physical moving and flexible, then what good food do I want to create or what will bring me joy—a good book, a walk in the sun. We all have choices as to how we use our time, whether it is work, family, or just taking care of self, but the attitude we do it with makes all the difference in our experiences.

I made a turkey pot pie the other day with frozen leftovers from Thanksgiving, special pie crust, lots of peas and carrots, plenty of thyme. The result was something so delicious that you could just be joyful thinking about it. We don’t have to meditate for hours, or follow rituals to raise our vibration, we just have to have the intent of doing something that brings us joy and then focus on that. The energy of a positive action can carry you through the day.

I like to have a list handy of things that I know will raise my vibration so if I start to feel mundane I choose one of the blessings on my list and go for it. It can be really simple. Complexity does not create more joy. I love good food, so the kitchen is always a place for me to be in joy. What brings you joy just thinking about it? Have a list and it helps if it is connected to nature in some way. Nature does not know any separation from source. Only humanity has any thoughts of separation from source. When you know you are connected to that creator energy, you can find moments of joy in the smallest things.

Keep a list of things that lift your soul and practice giving yourself the gift of connection to source by creating something wonderful, be it food, a quilt, a story, a special place to snuggle. You are the one that is in charge of your vibration.

Life is much better when your thoughts are those of joy. The choice is yours. Take a moment for yourself each day to examine your thoughts and how they affect you. If they don’t make you happy, find a thought that does. The more you do this, the higher your vibration and soon your life will reflect back to you the joy you focus on. Blessings, Dove