Warm Springs Preserve: A Backcountry Paradise

Warm Springs Preserve a.k.a. the Dog Park is a community treasure. Photo Credit: WRW

The Warm Springs Preserve is a 65-acre community treasure, owned by the city of Ketchum, and nearly at the end of its community funding. The expansive natural splendor is being sanctified to be one of the premiere community sanctuaries in Blaine County.
The campaign aims to transform the Warm Springs Preserve into a backcountry paradise. With ADA-accessible trails, off-leash dog areas, a restored creek and a dog-friendly pond the new space is available for outdoor enthusiasts including any with pet or mobility challenges.
All donations up to $200,000 before December 31 were matched by Exley and Pyle families, doubling the impact for preservation of local splendour. If you’re called to contribute now you should speak to the manages via email: warmspringspreserve@ketchumidaho.org
Ketchum City Council approved the Warm Springs Master Plan in April 2023 and retaining a design team with to complete the project. Design time was intense, exhaustive and after much community input the plan was implemented by Ketchum City Council on April 3, 2023.

Who Was Involved?
“Bob Brennan, the past owner/seller of the property, was instrumental in helping preserve this iconic space. Without his offered option, endless support and incredible generosity, the purchase would not have been possible.
Following in Bob’s footsteps, the community overwhelmingly participated in the city’s fundraising campaign – the purchase was 100% funded by individual donors and businesses, with donations ranging from single digits to multiple zeros.
Without the help of the Warm Springs Preserve Committee, those donors might not have been aware of such a special opportunity. Committee members include David Barenborg, Kimberly Barenborg, Neil Bradshaw, Bob Burkheimer, Paul Danielsen, Susan Flynt, Connie Hoffman, Ali Long, Michael Mars, Susan McGuigan, Nick Miller, Sally Onetto, Chiyo Parten and Kathy Wygle.” (projectketchum.org/warm-springs-preserve/)
Check out a video of the amenities and provisions of the Warm Springs Preserve here: youtube.com/watch?v=AQz7r8A6_Vg