Close-up of female hands on steering wheel while driving a car

I don’t know who to credit for the following statement, but I was moved by the sentiment it inspired. “Hope is the steering wheel of life. Hope is an agent of change.”
I reflect back on myself and notice how I wake up in the morning and it is always with anticipation for what the day could possibly bring. I don’t need to know what is going to happen as that would take away the excitement of life. It leaves room for the magic to live and express.
I asked my guardian angel one time why I couldn’t know what was going to happen as then I could be prepared and eliminate all fear because I would know. My guardian angel answered, “If you knew what was always going to happen, you would be so bored with life that it would cease to have any joy.”
I thought about this for a while as so many people try to find out what is coming through different means. I love getting a physic reading, among many other things, but I have come to know that the thoughts presented are merely possibilities. I am in charge of the energy I entertain. If I like the possibilities that are presented, I can energize them. If I don’t, then I am at choice to change my energy to attract something else.
I would sometimes get astrology readings to see what the future energies in my birth chart were projecting and if I didn’t like what was presented, I simply changed my energy. I have come to know that nothing is locked in concrete as to its outcome; I am always at choice as to how I use my energy. That is where the magic comes in. I must be conscious of the energy I choose.
My husband and I work at controlling our blood pressure by deep breathing. It just takes a few minutes of deep breathing to create the results we want. What it does require is that you must believe that you are in charge of your body, not the other way around. My favorite naturopath proclaims, “You are not your diagnosis.”
I know I can stop the ringing in my ears in seconds by telling my body to change the frequency, and it does. No more ringing in my ears. To me, this is magic and I am always delighted by the results of communicating with my body and having it respond in a positive manner. If you are interested in this type of awareness, start with small things, like talking to your body to release a muscle cramp. When I get a cramp, I visualize the cramp as cooked spaghetti and all the knots release. Feel the result you want as if it is already manifested. You might surprise yourself with your ability to manifest your own healing.
Praying for something to go away is not always helpful as that puts focus on the issue. See and feel only the desired outcome. Start small and become aware of the changes in your body. I have yet to manifest perfect strength and flexibility but I am going to start working with the energy of flexibility and strength and see how my body responds. This is not intended as medical advice but as an opportunity to grow with your own energy. After all, life is a gift, the purpose is joy, and you can only manifest that which you believe to be true. Blessings, Dove