

BY Dove

With the sun shining brightly on the freshly fallen new snow, my heart soars as I go out to do my share of the snow removal. I do the hand work, and my husband runs the snow blower. We make a great team, and the task brings me great joy. I rejoice in the fact that even in our 80s my husband and I can love this task. We are blessed with incredible health and stamina, not as much as we used to have, but still, we can enjoy the change of seasons. As we move into a whole new venue for life on planet Earth, we can decide how we want to participate. Do we want to look for all the things wrong, or do we want to seek to find the rightness of all that is? The pristine beauty of this place takes my breath away. Even shoveling snow when the temperature is 12 degrees is not a burden, it feels like total joy.

How blessed are we to get to live in an area that has such a diverse climate. I can’t decide which one I love the most: The winter with the snow, the summer with my bike, the fall with the multi-colored leaves, the spring with the anticipation of preparing my garden. We have seasons of life just like the earth, and each one has its gifts. Youth with unbounded energy and the magic of discovery of life, young adulthood with discovering who you truly want to be, raising a family or not, finding a partner or not, exploring all the choices we have. And, the senior years of being able to reflect on all the choices we have made.

I look back to see how different decisions brought amazing events to my life, and I am in awe of how it all evolved. Asking for signs to determine which path to take and being given the directions that would bring me the greatest joy even though I couldn’t see it when I was in the thick of it. I cherish the magic of this season, and I watch all unfold in amazing order.

My youngest grandson wanted me to crochet him a blanket for Christmas. Oddly enough I just finished one that did not yet have a home. How can that be that everything is at my fingertips that I need without even knowing it? I have come to know that life can flow with such ease if you keep yourself in joy.

You somehow always wind up being in the right place, and the right time with the right tools needed. If you set your frequency for being in love with what is, life flows. Give up resistance and declare you are free to live from the magical place of  “I don’t know what is next, but I am prepared.”

God bless every one of us in this season of change and the incredible beauty of nature. May I continue to hold that focus of absolute wonder.

Merry Christmas with great love. Dove