Trusting Yourself


Life is getting very interesting as the energy expands and becomes higher from the perspective I choose to experience. We all are at choice as to the experiences we value and choose to participate in energetically. I watched this Thanksgiving as many things unfolded without me voicing a choice, just having a thought and watching my thoughts manifest in reality almost instantly. As an example, I had the thought that I would enjoy an orchid for my birthday, but I did not express this thought to a single soul. Magically, the night before my birthday, the florist shows up at my house with a huge white orchid with about thirty blooms radiant in their beauty. I also had requested a special item from the grocery store that no one could get. I had been trying since July to find this item. Amazingly, on my birthday, I walked into the store and asked for the item. The head of the meat department told me he had just gotten a sample of the item I wished and just gave it to me as it was a sample.

I have come to know that if you hold the vision of your desires in your heart for a few minutes and then let it go, with no further thought projected, the allowing of the energy to manifest your desires occurs. Doubt or repeated requests do not enhance the creation of that which you want. Allowing seems to be the secret. Trust that the universe wants for you to receive. When you give out joy, love, compassion, wonder, the universe steps up to give your own energy back to you.

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily chores of life that we forget to employ the magic energy of source in our lives. I love the magic of life because it is such a surprise when it occurs. It makes my life amazing, and I am so grateful for all that I am blessed with. When we take time to make a request to the universe and put no time line or expectation on its occurring, things flow together in perfect timing.

As we move into this holiday season, when we put so many demands on ourselves to create what is expected, we stress ourselves and the energy around us. I prefer relaxing and allowing the magic to flow in its own timing. If you can, step back. Take a deep breath and allow the magic to flow in its own time.

This Thanksgiving my three grandchildren all asked me to teach them to crochet. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that was a possibility, but they put down the electronics and crocheted for hours. Surprises always fill my heart with amazement.

This holiday season allow the magic to flow. You don’t have to do it all and if it doesn’t get done, it was not in the timing. Just enjoy each moment of creation. After all, creation is a gift of life. Trust the life you are creating or change it. The choice is yours.

Blessings, Dove