I Choose Gratitude



I have come to know that the thoughts I think create the reality I experience. The thoughts have an emotional component that has a vibration and then the frequency I hold determines the energy I attract into my world. I love my country, I love my home, I love the energy of riding my bike and cooking good food. I love to sew, knit and crochet when I am taking a break from activities. I am blessed in all ways. My family is a blessing in all ways. These are the thoughts I focus on during my day. I check with neighbors who are alone to make sure they are okay. I catch myself when I am watching TV to not internalize the rhetoric being presented. I look upon it as entertainment, not my truth. My truth can only come from my heart. I do not choose to use my energy to promote possible situations that might happen. Again, where your focus goes, energy flows.

We have just had an election that was controversial, to say the least, and you may or may not be happy with the outcome. Rather than project negative scenarios, allow hope for positive change, change for the people and planet that is productive. I don’t know about you, but I am so done with controversy, war, lack and lying. Almost all of the media promotes an agenda, not truth, so let us take responsibility for the energy we put forth. If we all choose to seek the best for all concerned, rather than project the fear of what might happen that the fear-mongers generate. Choose gratitude for the air, the water, the sun, your relationships, even if they have challenging moments. Give amazing grace to the beauty of the animals that come to your door. The bunnies, chipmunks, squirrels, the magnificent elk that grace my backyard, the gentle deer all fill me with gratitude for all life. Let us drop the focus of negativity and step into the energy of gratitude for all that is and give the energy a chance to shift in a direction that benefits us all.

We are at choice: do we live in the past or do we allow a whole new future to expand? Don’t trap someone into the same old role that has been played. Generate thoughts that can bring great value to your life. This is my focus. Love my life, love my environment. Contribute in whatever way I can to the good of all. Move out of ego and become your higher self. If we all choose a new path, that is what we will create. Energy is always moving. What are you going to add to the mix—gratitude, trust, joy, anticipation or fear and lack? The choice is yours. I choose gratitude. Blessings, Dove