Statement from Morgan Ballis

The Ballis Family. Photo courtesy of Morgan Ballis

Candidate for Blaine County Sheriff

By Morgan Ballis

My Republican opponent in the Blaine County Sheriff election has crossed the line of decency to  spread false and serious accusations about me. Sadly, in our current political environment,  some candidates resort to these tactics. While we are pursuing legal action for defamation, I  want to take this opportunity to clarify the facts so we can return our campaign to the level of  civil discourse that Blaine County deserves.

In recent weeks, sensitive juvenile records along with false accusations of crimes were sent  anonymously to the Hailey Police Department (HPD), the City of Hailey Mayor and Council  Members, the Blaine County School District Superintendent and Board Members, the Idaho  Police Standards and Training Council (POST), and the Blaine County Commissioners in an  attempt to harm my reputation and employment. Mr. Hughston was captured on security  footage personally delivering one such package to the Blaine County School District Office and  has since admitted to sending these records to POST and HPD.

Those anonymous attacks, which included allegations of rape, lacked credibility and were  rejected out of hand by recipients who could readily see that the records he provided  contradicted his false claims and did not contain anything meriting further review.

When that tactic failed, Hughston escalated his attacks by sending out a mailer and creating a  dedicated website with even more baseless accusations.

I have always been open about my mistakes and wrongdoings as an adolescent. In 2002 when I  was 16 years old, I was cited for minor consumption of alcohol and juvenile petitioned for felony  theft. The theft involved damaging a vehicle and stealing a wallet. I deserved the consequences of my actions and was blessed to be placed in a diversion program while being mentored  toward my goal of becoming a Marine. To be clear – I have never been arrested, charged, or  convicted for anything else as a juvenile. As an adult, I was charged in 2011 with suspicion of  driving under the influence of alcohol; this charge was later dismissed. I have never been  arrested or convicted of any crime as an adult.

I speak publicly about my juvenile experiences in school talks, campaign gatherings, and with  youth on diversion. While these were difficult and painful experiences, the grace and guidance I  received during that period of my life and the lessons I learned from those experiences were a  source of huge personal growth and ultimately the driving force behind my commitment to  service – first in our military, then in my community, and now with the Hailey Police Department  and in our schools.

However, Mr. Hughston’s recent attacks go far beyond distorting my past. He has falsely accused me of a drug-related offense, sexual assault, abusing my son, and has insinuated even more. If these outrageous claims were true, I would have lost custody of my son rather than  being granted full and exclusive custody. I would have been dishonorably discharged from the  military, not proudly served for eleven years with an honorable discharge. And I certainly would  not be serving as a Hailey police officer or the School Resource Officer at Wood River High  School.

Falsely accusing me of abusing my son is not only reckless – it is cruel. It breaks my heart to see  my son caught in the crossfire of political attacks when he should be celebrating his four  touchdowns from last week’s football game. No 15-year-old should have to endure such  indignities. This is indecent and inexcusable behavior.

Despite these distractions, I remain focused on what truly matters: taking care of my family and  strengthening Blaine County through our shared values of integrity, truth, and positive  leadership. I am committed to running a campaign that reflects these principles and to working  to light up our community.

Morgan Ballis

Blaine County Sheriff Candidate