Circus magician top hat and magic wand trick with sparkling light, vector background. Circus show or funfair carnival poster with magician illusionist or wizard cylinder cap and wand with magic shine


I have come to the conclusion that frequency is the controlling factor in our lives. Truly, where our focus goes, energy flows. What you think about, what you spend your energy on, is the reality you are going to experience. According to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work, you don’t even have to have an experience; the energy can come from something you read, something you watched on TV or even something you heard. If you let horror, war devastation, or brutality into your thoughts, it is going to affect you. Depending on the level of the experience and how much you focus on it will determine the level it affects you. If you focus on the little things that bring you joy, your vibration moves higher.

It is so simple to control the energy you let into your world. Become conscious of where you place your focus. However, we do have to become introspective to determine that which elevates our energy. I know music can move me to tears of joy and makes my heart swell, so can watching the wildlife all around me. Flowers’ depth of color amazes my imagination and I wonder how they create such beauty. The smell of good food cooking, or garlic cooking in wine or bread baking cause me to anticipate the taste of delightful food. Working with beautiful fabric or creating things with crystals occupies my whole focus. Growing things in my garden is magical and delicious. Being able to create fills my soul.

I have come to know myself well enough to know what raises my thoughts to that of joy. Riding my Gracie ebike brings laughter and freedom that takes my breath away. I have the ability to change my vibration at a change in activity.

I am blessed to have had work that I loved for 64 years and now I have the ability to create change on a daily basis, but the bottom line is, my dominant focus can be joy. When you become conscious of how you think about things and what you expose your mind to, you learn to know yourself well enough to know how to fill your own tank. You don’t need outside energy to raise your energy. To me, that is the essence of freedom—choosing each day what I will create. I have yet to find joy in dusting, but I do love the result.

I wish you all the greatest of knowledge in yourself to find a little time each day to focus on something that brings you joy, if even only for a few minutes, because the result carries far-reaching effects that can neutralize almost any of the negative input. Take charge of your energy, make your dominant focus that of joy. After all, my guardian angel told me, “Life is a gift. The purpose is joy.” Blessings, Dove