Stretching Your Envelope



My husband has often told me that I have stretched his belief systems far beyond where he ever imagined he could go. He was raised very traditionally and there was never any push to change his beliefs until he wanted to manifest something different.
There are many ways to create new realities but first you must have the idea manifest in your heart and mind that you want something different than what you are experiencing. As an example, in the picture above, what would cause a petunia to plant itself in the middle of my pavers? Did the seed come from the hanging basket situated above the pavers? Where did the seed come from? I did not have any petunia seeds. However, this piece of nature decided to have a new experience; rather than living in a hanging basket, it chose to plant itself in my pavers. Why? Just an accident? I don’t believe in accidents, only coincidences.
What a gift to walk out this morning and see this lovely flower blooming in my sidewalk. We can be like that petunia by changing and believing that we can have a new experience rather than repeating the same old energies. What does it take to get us off center and change things? It takes energy, a new desire to see things be different.
Do we put our focus on the chaos that the ruling governments have created? Do they really have our best interests at heart? I think not. If you want a different experience from lack, illness, injustice, you must change the reality you are choosing.
Consider how you would change your world. Start feeling it every night when you go to bed. Ask to be led to the change you seek. I know this works as I constantly seek to create things that bring me joy. Live at a higher vibration. Don’t feed the energy that says things will never get better. Don’t wait for some outside source to rescue you. You must provide the energy to rescue yourself.
You can decide to bloom in an environment that is unique to your species, or you can continue down the same old road. It takes great courage to change the familiar to something unfamiliar, but life really gets interesting when you step out of your comfort zone.
Now is the time for humanity to imagine a new reality for humanity. No war, no hunger, no abuse, no poverty. Become the petunia and nourish yourself with love. Give yourself permission to step out of the box and create heaven on Earth. Now is the time. What does it look like to you?
Blessings, Dove