
Red and black golf bag with clubs on grass against dramatic clouds

Are you willing to be magnificent? This is a question that was posed on a YouTube video I was watching, and I asked myself, Am I willing to be magnificent?

This is a large question to ponder, especially when it pertains to yourself and your own ego. We have been programed to be humble; no one likes someone who is braggadocio, let alone always tooting their own horn. However, whenever you think about yourself, do you do it in positive terms or do you only focus on the aspects of yourself you hold as less than you want? Do you ever make a list of your good attributes and give them as much energy as you give the focus on your perceived less-than-perfect aspects?

There is a wonderful movie with Pat Boone called ”The Mulligan.” This is a story about an old golf pro who instructs people about second chances. First, they have to figure out where they are in their work practices, their personal relationships and their relationship with God. He does this all using the game of golf as a tool to explore who you are. A Mulligan is a second chance to do something over, to take a golf shot over. How many times do we wish we had the opportunity to change past behaviors or decisions we made? Are we always judging our shortcomings?

When you put your focus on all that you are not, you are energizing the lesser parts of yourself, and you will only create a life that does not live up to your expectations.

What if you had a belief system that God was your pro for whatever endeavor you choose? What if your focus about yourself was how much God (Source) loves you and sees only the best in you? What if you made a list of all the wonderful things you are on one side of a piece of paper and all the things you would like to change about yourself on the opposite side? You would come to know yourself rather than just going down the same old path with no self- awareness.

When you truly know yourself, you will come to know God (Source) and the items you don’t love about yourself will have the opportunity to shift. If we all change our energy to one of putting our focus on all the beautiful energies that we are, we will shift our reality so that we begin to love the life we are creating.

Let go of all the chaos around you and look for the joy in the little things. The joy will become your focus and then watch your life change. After all, my guardian angel told me many years ago, “Life is a gift and the purpose is joy.” Find yours.

Blessings, Dove