Fishing Report

picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

The recent let up in temperatures, as well as a bit of rain, has refreshed our fisheries, and the fishing has picked up. Another heat wave is in the works, but water temperatures have been holding on locally.

On Silver Creek, look for Tricos to continue to be the main player in the mornings. As always, tiny Baetis tend to sneak in among the Tricos and will often be preferred by the Creek’s finicky trout. As the day heats up, Callibaetis, Damsels, Hoppers, Beetles and Ants will be on the menu, and the terrestrial fishing can be great with a bit of a breeze. Remember to fish the heaviest tippet you can get away with, play fish quickly, and keep them in the water as much as possible.

The Big Wood River continues to fish well, and mornings see a mix of Tricos, Caddis, and a variety of small mayflies. Afternoons are dominated by Hoppers and Hopper/Droppers, and it pays to fish fast-moving riffles and runs.

We are still floating the Salmon River, and fishing is productive for the river’s resident cutthroats. Hoppers are a good fly choice, but make sure to have plenty of small bugs on hand if the fish get fussy.

The Lower Big Lost River below Mackay Reservoir has come down to about 475 CFS, and strong waders are finding fish that are willing to eat PMDs, Hoppers and Craneflies.

Copper Basin (Upper Big Lost River system) is a great option right now. The fish have gotten a bit wary, so always make your first cast count. Again, Hoppers, Hopper/Droppers, Caddis, Flavs and PMDs are good flies to fill your boxes with.

Lastly, floating the South Fork Boise River (1240 CFS) is worth your time. Hoppers, Hopper/Droppers, Caddis and Pink Alberts are the way to go.

Happy fishing, everyone!