What If We Have It Backwards


What if we have been thinking that the Earth is our mother, and we are children of the Earth? What if it were the opposite? What if the truth is we are the creators of this experience, and the Earth is our creation, our child of creation. How would we treat that child? If you are a parent and love your child, you would do anything to protect that child from any sort of abuse. You would make sure the child was protected, cherished and provided for, with enough food to eat, shelter, clothing and stimulation. You would not think of harming that child in any way, but you would give it boundaries, responsibility, and education, self-worth and skills to give confidence. You would not leave that child on its own until it was old enough to understand how to take care of itself. You would provide humor, laughter, connection, companionship and independence so that the child grew confident and strong.

Are we doing this for Earth as our child or are we raping her resources for that sake of more material gain. Do we pollute her body by creating things that cannot be disposed of in a non-toxic way. You would not dream of putting poison in the body of a child you loved, nor would you excavate and drain all the nutrients your child needs. It is past time to become conscious that the Earth, a child of our creation, is a living being and growing up and if we are abusing parents then the child will no longer want our presence in its life.

How do we change from being an abusive parent to one who cherishes and supports that child that Earth is? Can we stop and embrace all the beauty that Mother Earth (Nature) provides for us? Can we embrace the intelligence and creativity of the Earth itself? Music alone is a magnificent place of joy. Art fulfills our imagination and originality brings wonder to our minds. Can we all become better parents to the child called Earth before we have done so much damage that we will not be cherished by our child.

Source gave us the ability to create, to imagine and all the resources to create amazing new tools with the Earth as the center. Now is the time to protect this child rather than deplete this gift of life. Become conscious of the gifts of Earth and use them with kindness, awareness, and gratitude for all the support. Let us love Earth as the blessed child of creation. Do unto Earth as you would want done unto yourself, the body that you are. Much love, Dove