Dreaming Our Future

White cloud isolated on blue background. 3D redering with clipping path


Do you take time to remember your dreams and see what kind of insights those nocturnal journeys give you? Or do you just move on with no introspection about where you go at night? From what I have studied, your consciousness takes a trip at night to parts of you that are unknown. This gives you the opportunity to explore the unknown energies that need to be resolved, or enjoyed, as the case may be. Repetitive dreams I believe are true messages for you to bring to your conscious mind. I know I had a repetitive dream that occurred about 49 times until I actually threw a lamp at the masculine aspect of myself in a dream. I really needed that part of myself to wake up, have courage to speak my truth and live the life that would bring me joy. After I threw the lamp in the dream, I never had it again. Once I got the message in my conscious mind, I had the perseverance to move forward.

What if we could merge our unconscious mind with our conscious mind and bring all the wisdom for all our journeys into our reality? I think we could move forward into our divine purpose and fulfillment rapidly. When we keep parts of ourselves hidden from view, we never really embrace all of who we are. For me, that becomes the whole journey; embracing all of who we are with love creates a pathway to health, abundance and joy. In order to embrace all of who we are, we must know and accept all of who we are. The good, the bad and the unknown become visible, and we feel all of it and remove it from judgment. We are loved by Source; now we must be loved by us.

We are not little. We are magnificent beings of energy that have been suppressed by doctrines of limitation and beliefs of unworthiness. To come into this reality takes the greatest courage of just about any incarnation. It is not for the weak of heart or mind. Develop compassion for all who are challenged by this life. Become an example of compassion and strength for all to follow. Give each person the tools to rise above the limitations they have accepted and imposed on themselves or others. You can’t do it for them, but you can be an example to them and start them on their path. It is up to them to stay on their path.

Now is the time to shine your light with every ounce of your being. Your light is needed to shift the energies into that of grace. Examine your dreams, mesh them together with your reality. Become the best you can be, and others will follow. Dream your magnificence from a place of compassion and humility and your purpose will be manifested in joy. Much love, Dove