The Peanut Butter Principle



Many years ago, when I was a young mother and running a business out of my home, one of the people working for me who was LDS came to me and told me I must store peanut butter as there was going to be a huge peanut butter shortage. I became concerned because my children were young and consumed a lot of peanut butter. That part of me that could go into fear about not having what I needed reared its ugly head and I wanted to truly know if I needed to prepare for such an emergency. Consequently, I sat down with my angels and I asked, Is there truly going to be a shortage of peanut butter and do I need to prepare? The answer came loud and clear: “Peace is the product we are after. You take care of the inner peace, and we will take care of the peanut butter.” That has become my motto: “Take care of my own inner peace and all else will fall into place.”
It is so easy to get caught up in the realm of fear constantly being projected upon us by so many sources, but I have come to understand and feel that if I am in my own inner peace, I will be guided to be prepared for any events I will be faced with. I have come to know that if I am holding peace, that is the energy I will attract to my world. If I am holding love and truth, then that is the energy I will bring into my existence. With love in my heart, I will always be prepared to know what is important and what is propaganda.
I would request that we all start living our lives from “The Peanut Butter Principle.” When you choose inner peace as your first priority, that is what you will create for yourself and all those around you. If we all are focusing on our own inner peace, we can transform the reality we live in.
I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to embody joy, abundance, health, peace, truth and kindness as the dominant energies in my world. I want to watch the spring flowers bloom, I want to see the bees buzzing around my raspberry plants, I want to ride my bike with the wind in my face and I want to laugh uproariously. That to me represents The Peanut Butter Principle — being responsible for my own energy output and choosing peace always.
Remember, where your focus goes, energy flows. The peanut butter shortage never happened. Blessings, Dove