Take 5 for 5B!


Dear Friends,

Wow, the election year is upon us! Joe did a terrific job with his State of the Union speech last week. Republicans have had their caucus and ours is coming up May 23rd! In the meantime, Blaine County Dems are gearing up and working hard for our local candidates.

Not sure what you can do? Take a look and Take 5 Actions for 5B!

Make your voice heard! Attend our BCDs’ meeting March 25 at the Blaine County Courthouse at 5:00 pm.

Provide an auction item for the Clint and Michelle Stennet Social in May.

Follow our incumbents Ron Taylor and Ned Burns on social media. They provide terrific updates on what’s happening in the legislature!

Volunteer for the caucus on May 23.

Tell five of your friends what you are doing to support Blaine County Democratic candidates and invite them to join you.

The Idaho Open Primaries Initiative has qualified for the ballot in District 26!

Great News! This means that 6% of the voters in this district signed a petition to get the initiative on the ballot in November.

The initiative will end closed primary elections and create a non-partisan primary system.  This will ensure that the winner enjoys support from a broad coalition of voters which is what we need in Idaho!

Congratulations to Becky Klassen, Team Leader for District 26.  This doesn’t mean that Becky’s work is done. Her team will still be collecting signatures to ensure the state total is achieved. Thank you, Becky!

We look forward to seeing you all as the election season heats up. Thank you for your support!

—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair