Discerning Truth



Often, I read something in the news or on the Internet and it is presented in such a fashion that it appears true. Later, I come to find out that it was completely false. There are postings that state that someone has died, which are false. I don’t accept all the misinformation and I have come to question whatever I read anymore with a doubtful mind. I no longer accept things at face value and that is a huge shift.

As I was growing up, if it was printed in the newspaper, you believed the item to be true because you could be sued if the information presented was untrue. With the explosion of the Internet, we can no longer count on anything being true. So much is put out there for marketing, greed, and manipulation. So that begs the question, how do we as human beings sort through all the weight loss, health cures, get-rich schemes, knee cures, political agendas and so much more? I have been caught in several of these traps and hopefully I am wiser now. If they guarantee you are going to lose 50 pounds in two weeks, don’t bother. If they promise you will achieve mastery overnight, I question the method and look at how much they are charging for the course.

The best way for me to discern the information presented is: is it reasonable, is it priced at an acceptable level, will I be diligent enough to follow through if I spend the money? I have come to know for myself that most of what I need will come to me when I am ready for it. I do not need to search for truth because my truth is inside of me. The most beneficial thing I can do is be quiet, be in nature and that which I need appears softly, gently and the ‘aha’ moments come in—not shouting, just gently letting me know Source is within me and all the answers I need can be found within

I must admit that the powers that be have come up with phenomenal ways to market products, but whenever you have to sort through 30 pages of advertisements or testimonials, you are probably wasting your time and money. Obviously, they got suckered into the $2,000 course that gives you the blueprint for this sort of marketing. If they can’t explain what the product is in three pages, they have no idea what they are doing and I move on.

When I am in the space that I am all that I need, life is joyful, magical and easy. That is where I choose to be. The recipes can sometimes be good, but if they tell you that you can make bread with only two ingredients, it is probably not worth eating. You have actual brain cells in your gut, listen to that “gut” feeling and you will find your truth.

Things are manifesting quickly now, and I am seeing rapid changes in realty, when that which you want is focused on with love. Let the past go, let anger or righteousness go, focus on the beautiful things about any issue and resolution seems to be happening overnight. Give yourself the opportunity to heal by using love as your inspiration, “All you need is love.”

I love you, Dove