I think all of us at some point or another wonder why we are here. It takes great courage to decide to incarnate on Planet Earth, and once you do, you come to a time when you ask yourself, “Why am I here?”
Humans are said to be a species that has the greatest capacity for joy and pain of any species created. I know only a very few that came in knowing why they took this particular journey. My son knew what he came in to do at age three and never looked back. Most of us don’t have that kind of clarity. I think only very old souls come in with that kind of knowingness. They have no karma left to clean up and they just came for a specific experience. The rest of us struggle and strive to find where we belong and how to contribute in a meaningful way to this journey.
I have come to the conclusion that we may have many experiences that take us down different paths and expand our life knowledge with the friends, family and occupations we choose. There is a saying on my office wall that states, “All of the Animals on this Earth, except Man, Know that the Principle Business of Life is to ENJOY IT.” Contemplate what this means to you and how you can apply this message to your current existence.
I never considered being a writer of any kind because my high-school English teacher told me I didn’t write well and I took that as fact. Thus, I pursued math and science because they always had an answer. Nothing was subjective and I liked that. I have come to know that my belief was not true and that the answers change all the time for each of us. How well we adjust to those changes is a measure of our strength of character.
Can you shift in a moment’s notice? Can you let go of the old and embrace a new paradigm? It is so easy to get stuck in our practiced belief systems but as the Earth and reality changes, so must we if we plan to keep an ounce of personal peace.
I believe that we are going to experience some large changes in the near future. I can’t say what they are going to be, but I pray that these changes will bring truth, integrity, abundance, health and laughter to all of us, not just a few that sit at the top of the financial ladder and dictate their agenda on us. Now is really the time to know yourself and stand for what you want to create. Stand for freedom. Stand for the children. Stand for God (Source}. Stand for the animals and the trees. Stand for Peace. Be ready to take action for the highest good. I trust we can do this rather than let someone else carry the ball.
We all must become warriors and servants of peace. Do your part. We all are needed as change takes place. Blessings, Dove