Words For 2024



We were blessed with family over the holidays and as we were all out to dinner and no one was on electronics, conversation ensued. How delightful! My daughter asked the question, “If you had a word for something you wanted in 2024, what would it be?” There were many different responses, which was interesting, and I have been contemplating this question for a few days.
My initial response was that I wanted magic in 2024, but after much deliberation, I have changed my focus. My word for 2024 is “healing.” Not just physical healing for all humanity, but healing for all the animals, the environment, the trees, and most of all our hearts. What does that look like to me? I choose to be free from government mandates in my life, as I am a responsible individual and have no desire to harm anyone or anything. I work at using as few resources from the planet and create as little waste as possible. There really is nothing I need that I don’t have.
I want an abundance of friendship and connection with family and friends. I want overflowing laughter, and most of all I want peace to consume our planet. Why are wars and violence created? What and who do they serve? Do we have wars within our own hearts? How do we create peace within ourselves? Explore that part of yourself that is not at peace with who you are. You are not your body or your mind or your thoughts or your physical ailments, but that is where we most consistently place our focus. What if we realized we were all part of the same whole, not separate in any way from other cells of this large organism we occupy. What if all of the cells worked together for the greatest benefit of the whole organism—planet Earth. How do we shift the focus from self to the whole?
Start in your heart, love where you are, then move your focus to who you can help move their focus. How can you make your life and theirs a little easier. You will be led to share your gifts in whatever way you can.
No gift of service is ever insignificant. If your focus is on making life better, that will be the result. We don’t need more things, we need more caring and connection to all things. Change your life by becoming involved outside of yourself. Choose your purpose and passion from those subjects that arouse your interest.
The best cure for depression is to do something for someone else. It always works because then you love yourself a little bit more. Loving yourself is the first step into healing and healing our planet because when you love yourself enough, you have energy to share with others and nature
My prayer is all of us will see past our egos and embrace love of self and share it. It is a new world and you are the designer of your space. Much love, Dove