Fishing Report

picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

As of this writing, we have not received significant snowfall, but some appears to be on the way. Continue to do your “snow dance;” our local waters depend on big snowfalls for healthy summer flows.
Silver Creek has been “off” and “on,” depending on the conditions. If you’re fishing it during the right conditions (calm, overcast, mild days), the winter streamer bite can be quite good. A good rule of thumb to follow in regard to fly selection is “bright day, bright fly, and dark day, dark fly.” Typically, fishing your streamers on a slow, steady swing will produce more action than actively stripping and moving your fly. That will come as the weather and water warms.
Midge activity has been sporadic, but when conditions are right, there has been some excellent dry-fly fishing on the Creek. Remember, all of Silver Creek downstream of Highway 20 is open until the end of March, as is Kilpatrick Pond… if you are crazy enough to get into a float tube!
The Big Wood River has been fishing well during the warmest part of the day. No need to get on the water early—ski in the morning and fish in the afternoon! Nymphing with tiny midge pupa imitations, Prince Nymphs, Rubber Legs, Rainbow Warriors and Copper Johns is the way to go. Rainbows tend to pod up in the winter in slower, softer water; find a few of these winter holes and you can be into fish all day long.
The South Fork of the Boise River has been fishing well for those willing to make the trek, with stable winter flows of 300 CFS. Before you go, check the road conditions and the weather; the road into the canyon can be treacherous during heavy snow, ice, and bad weather. Don’t forget your tire chains, survival kit, and extra food and water. Nymphing is the name of the game right now, and it’s hard to beat a big Stonefly nymph followed by your favorite midge pupa. A big, meaty streamer fished low and slow in some of the deeper holes can produce a big fish or two.
The Lower Big Lost River is another great option for a full day trip. The same flies and techniques used on the Big Wood and South Fork Boise will be effective on the Big Lost.

Happy fishing, everyone!