Fishing Report

picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

All of us at Picabo Angler wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
If you are heading to Silver Creek, be prepared to swing small black leech patterns—Balanced Leeches, Woolly Buggers, Squirrel Leeches and Zonkers are all effective. Swinging these imitations along deep undercut banks and troughs can produce some exceptional fish. Do not expect much dry-fly activity, but you could see some midges during the right conditions.
Fishing on the Big Wood River generally will remain decent. Lots of productive water is accessible, and anglers are having success nymphing and fishing sculpin patterns. Look for midge activity to pick up during snow events. Griffiths Gnats, Trailing Shuck Midges, Sprout Midges and Zebra Midges should all be in your Big Wood winter fly box.
Flows on the Big Lost River below Mackay Dam remain stable at around 55 CFS, and fish are no doubt stacked up in their typical winter holding areas. Nymph fishing will be most productive, and midges will appear given the right conditions. When nymphing, concentrate your efforts on slower pockets and runs. Effective flies include Rainbow Warriors, Copper Johns, Zebra Midges and San Juan Worms.
The South Fork of the Boise continues to fish fairly well with stable flows. Flies used on the Big Lost and Big Wood are equally as effective on the South Fork. Be prepared for any weather if you make the drive and take the necessary safety equipment.
Please remember to renew your Idaho fishing license on January 1, 2024.

Happy fishing, everyone!