
female hands praying on a dark background with copy space


We all have certain words that trigger feelings in our soul.  Grace is one of those words for me. When I think “Grace,” a peace and calm descend over my being. I love the feeling. Maybe that’s why I named my wonderful bicycle “Grace,” because I feel such joy when I ride as many miles as possible during the season. When it is time to put my bike away for the winter, there is a nostalgia that fills my heart, but I know that soon spring will come and “Grace” and I will be riding the trails with abandon.

Grace is also something my family participated in at meals.  I grew up in a commune-type situation where all my family — grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins — lived on the same street. Everyone had their own house, but on holidays we all gathered. There were at least 20 of us and anyone else who had no place to go came for dinner.

My family was very musical, and we would sing “the grace” before dinner. We had an amazing choral group with all the parts — soprano, alto, tenor and bass — each trying to out-sing the other. I can still hear the words, “Be present at our table, Lord, be here and everywhere adored. These mercies bless and grant that we may live in fellowship with thee.”

There are only four members of the chorus left and some are not mobile, and some have no memory to sing with. I look back at those times and I realize how blessed we were to share. There was never any conflict between families — we all supported each other in whatever ways were needed.

As I pass into my eighth decade of life, I am so grateful for Grace. I feel it in my heart and soul. There is a peace that I choose to project to each and all of nature, humanity, and all life force.

Take the time now to hold those thoughts of what Grace means to you. Can you feel the energy in your body? Can you choose to focus on the kindness that Grace represents? Grace has no religion or gender or color. It simply is an energy we can choose to hold.

There is much to be said for counting your blessings on a daily basis. I watched the bunnies running and chasing each other this morning. They are wild bunnies living under my neighbor’s deck, but they were having a marvelous time. How lucky I am to live where wildlife flourishes and is so abundant. How can you not embrace the true gift of all life when we live in such beauty.

May this season hold peace and joy in your bones and may God, Source, grant us each the gift of eternal Grace. Much love, Dove