Difficult Questions

Neon sign on a brick wall in the shape of a question mark.(illustration series)


What do you do with difficult questions that you feel you need to have an opinion about? Where do you stand on many of the issues we are being plagued with, such as “Is climate change real or is it a way to keep our focus off what is really going on?” I just watched a talk about climate change that stated that in the last 800 years we have actually cooled by 4 degrees from 800 years ago. I ask, how can the powers that be know that? Did we have ways of measuring the temperature 800 years ago and what were they?
From my belief system, I believe that the earth is a living entity and, like every living thing, will do what it needs to preserve its life force. Earth has more diverse life forms than just about any planet, it has been said. It is a specimen of great value. So, how do we preserve the incredible beauty of this piece of real estate? Is decreasing the population the answer? Will electric cars solve the problem of carbon emissions? I don’t think so, as more carbon energy is expended creating the cars and the electricity to run them than they ever save.
How about plastic? It comes from petroleum and it is used in almost all of our daily life— Ziploc bags, plastic refrigerator dishes, eyeglass lenses, clothing, just to name a few. How do we change our lives and go back to nature? Do we do with less convenience and ease from all the products man has created? Maybe Native Americans had it right and we messed up the whole way of living by bringing civilization to the planet. Has greed taken over common sense? Why do we fill the oceans with plastic when there is a process right down in Utah for converting plastic to fuel, with no pollution?
We as a species are at a crossroads in our existence. We either learn to value the earth and care for it, or greed ourselves into a place where the earth cleans up the messes we have made. There is technology to solve most of these problems but it has been withheld for greed. There are cures for most diseases but you don’t make money from well individuals. If we choose to have a place for our grandchildren, we need to put the earth first.
Ask yourselves these questions: How do I impact the earth? Only you can answer this. What are you going to do to reduce the impact of your presence? One thing you can do is to look fear in the gut and no longer entertain it. If we all take a small action to eliminate the impact we have on the planet, we will thrive, as will Mother Earth. Do your part, use less, need less, and hold love in every cell of your being. Dove