He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not



Do you remember when we were younger and would find a daisy and it was a known tool of divination? You would pull off a petal one at a time and say, he loves me or loves me not, and the final petal gave you your answer. You always felt uplifted and joyful if it came out that the object of your question loved you. If it came out that he did not love you, did you buy into that belief or decide to disregard the information the daisy put forward? Now there is no way the daisy could foretell the truth of someone’s emotions, but your energy changed with the outcome. Your thoughts determined how you felt.

Whether you have a daisy to pluck or not, your thoughts will create your reality in every case. What you think is what you get. How often do we forget to monitor our thoughts and just let any little bit of information change our energy? We are marvelous human beings with the ability to choose in every instance where our energy is focused. he most important thing I believe you can do is to become responsible for the thoughts you entertain.

At this time on our planet, confusion reigns in all areas of life. You don’t know if any political situation is true, you don’t know if you can trust the medical (pharmaceutical) professions. It is so difficult to know truth. The only place you can look is within yourself. You are your own truth. You do not need to be anyone else’s truth except your own. Now is the time to know thyself, as we are each unique and important with a specific energy to give to our environment.

Next time you pick a daisy, instead of asking, “He loves me, he loves me not,” say, “How do I love me? I love my thoughts, my body, my heart, my mind, my emotions, I love all of me.” You cannot fail when you choose to love yourself. It is the place to start in finding love in all aspects of life. Start with you. You are special in all ways. Feel it, believe it, and if we all start to love ourselves, we all get to heal.

Steps to healing yourself: Start by never comparing yourself to anyone else. Give yourself joy each day in some small fashion. Take time to be alone and reflect on what brings you joy. Only you can fulfill you. No one else is able to make you happy nor is it their responsibility to do so. You can only fulfill yourself, not anyone else.

Make a conscious effort to change your energy whenever you find yourself down. Limit all pity parties to a maximum of thirty minutes, no more. The best cure for depression is to do something for someone else. You are in charge of your emotions, your emotions are not in charge of you. Go sit on a rock and talk to it. You would be surprised at what good listeners rocks are and they always love your presence.

Practice loving your presence and life always improves. Here’s to loving yourself. Blessings, Dove