When I was growing up, we had a lot of heroes to look up to. There was the Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Superman, Wonder Woman and, of course, John Wayne. The roles presented by these characters were those of moral integrity in defense of truth and law. These were often lonely roles, as their missions led them down a solitary path.

Right now, in our society, we could really use some of this type of energy from people who are dedicated to the truth and law. I don’t believe in a lot of rules, but society needs to have a few, as everyone is in a different state of development and brings multiple experiences to all events. If we could adopt just a few values, such as truth, and eliminate greed, no matter what, kindness might become dominant.

Be a human that takes responsibility for all you create—the good and the not so good. Learn from your actions what works and what does not work. Impose your beliefs on no one except yourself. But, most of all, be true to yourself.

These are a few rules: Be willing to stand by yourself and treat others with total respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do not use violence to impose your ideas on anyone. Do not destroy that which is not yours. Give back more to this world than you take from it. Leave Earth better than you find it. As my father said when he was passing, “The only thing you get to take with you is the love.”

What if we loved to that level on a daily basis, as if it were our last day and we wanted to create as much love as possible? Heal all emotional injuries within yourself, as there is no need to take the pain with you. That’s what the heroes of the past did. They required no accolades for their deeds well done; they did them because it was the right thing to do.

This type of life requires that you get out of your way, tame the ego, and reach for the highest good for all. We can all live our lives this way and the Earth would transform almost instantly. Can we make this choice, care for the planet, only use the minimum that we need and share the extra? I pray for us all to become heroes of our own journeys.

Can we shift to a life of honesty, integrity and truth? Become the Superman or Wonder Woman of your own existence. Please. Dove