Death Is Nature’s Way Of Saying “Your Table’s Ready!”

Chris Millspaugh and Matt Gorby charmed the valley with their newspaper, the Blatant County News, providing humor and rumor to the Wood River Valley. Photo credit: Matt Gorby
chris Millspaugh

It was inevitable. I have yet to meet the person who lives forever. A dear friend to me, as well as many others in the Valley, “shuffled off this mortal coil” this past Wednesday and went to the Great Big Whoop Show in the sky.

Chris Millspaugh, known to many as Dr. Spa, or just Spa, meant so much to our collective Hamlet (pun intended). He may no longer be around to talk to, or with, or at, and I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic, but his writings and comedy will be remembered for generations to come.

From his weekly columns in the Idaho Mountain Express (you know, that other paper), to his announcing at the Wagon Days and Trailing of the Sheep parades, from the Whoop Show to his Family Musical Christmas Albums. I will remember Chris from our time working on the Blatant County News, which ran in The Weekly Sun (a predecessor of the Wood River Weekly, you know, this here paper you’re holding in your hands).

I am truly sorry if you missed the chance to read or hear Spa’s brilliant comedy stylings. He kept us all smiling and laughing until the end. He lived through the Seven Ages of Man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, and wills (though he hated the Oxford comma). He always wanted to get old enough so he could dress like his couch.

He knew smoking would kill you… and bacon would kill you… but smoking bacon would cure it. I did promise not to use the word “Boo-Yah” in his obituary, but this isn’t an obit, it’s just a bit.

Well, it’s been “Nice Talking To You”™

~Matt Gorby

Chris Millspaugh, aka Dr. Spa sadly passed away on Wednesday. Spa was a well-known local, writing humor columns for the various valley newspapers, and then for his own publication, the Blatant County News. You might still be able to find a CD of music and comedy created by Spa and some of his kids on a shelf somewhere around town. Anyone who worked with Spa knew him to be a pleasant, kind and generous man. He will be missed. We send our thoughts and sympathies to his family and friends.

~Chris & Mandi