Burger Grill Giving Back

Photo credit: Herbert Romero



Antonio Ortega, co-owner of Burger Grill in Ketchum, continued to make his restaurant a hit for many Blaine County residents, even after the impact of COVID-19. Although it wasn’t always easy.

A Latino-owned business located on Main Street in Ketchum has helped support many Latinos in the workforce, especially in the midst of the pandemic, trying to keep the restaurant open as much as possible.

“I’ve been going to his restaurant and enjoying his service and hospitality,” said Herbert Romero, community builder and founder of the Sun Valley Hispanic Latin America Consortium of Greater 5B (a grassroots group). “It’s always so welcoming.”

Romero also added that there was a time where Ortega wasn’t sure if it was going to work out and thought the restaurant was ‘going to shut down.’

The Burger Grill opened its doors in 1995, providing a variety of options for Wood River Valley residents and visitors, offering chowders, lobster bisque and their classic Burger Grill burger. Ortega became co-owner sometime around 2018 although this is not confirmed. Romero met Ortega in 2019.

“I was introduced to him through our big brother/mentorship effort in the community and even mentored his son for the past several years,” Romero said.

With the strong support co-owner Ortega has received through his restaurant, it has helped maintain the restaurant and keep it open—and has supported navigating personal challenges of his own.

“We know that his family is going through some serious challenges this time. However, with no excuse, we know individuals need to take responsibility for their actions, positive or negative,” Romero said. “We want to continue to see him grow and prosper and move forward as a strong Latino business owner. He will do just that!”

*Ortega was contacted for comment but offered no answer.


Antonio Ortega, copropietario de Burger Grill, continuó haciendo de su restaurante un éxito para muchos residentes del condado de Blaine, incluso después del impacto de COVID-19—aunque no siempre fue fácil.

Un negocio de propiedad latina ubicado en la calle principal de Ketchum, ha ayudado a apoyar a muchos latinos en la fuerza laboral, especialmente durante la mitad de la pandemia, tratando de mantener el restaurante abierto tanto como sea posible.

“He estado yendo a su restaurante y disfrutando de su servicio y hospitalidad”, dijo Herbert Romero, Community Builder y Fundador del Consorcio SV Hispanic Latin America de Greater 5B (grupo de base). “Siempre es tan acogedor.”

Romero también agregó que hubo un tiempo en el que Ortega no estaba seguro de si iba a funcionar y “pensó que iba a cerrar.” El restaurante Burger Grill abrió sus puertas en 1995, ofreciendo una variedad de opciones para los miembros de Wood River Valley, incluyendo sopa de langosta y su clásica hamburguesa de Burger Grill.

Con el fuerte apoyo que el copropietario Ortega ha recibido a través de su restaurante, ha ayudado a mantener el lugar abierto– y navegar situaciones difíciles personales.

“Queremos seguir viéndolo crecer y prosperar y seguir adelante como un fuerte dueño de negocios latino,” dijo Romero.

*Ortega fue contactado para hacer comentarios, pero no hubo respuesta