As the snow continues to fall and I do my morning shoveling routine, I remind myself of how much we needed the moisture to fill our reservoirs and I am grateful for the water. However, now I am dreaming of dandelions popping up through the grass, being the first food for the bees, and I wonder how long will it take for the four feet of snow in my yard to melt.  Will I even have time to plant a garden before the snow comes again? I trust that Mother Earth knows what cycle is best for her and if we would quit trying to control Mother Earth and have all humanity do their best to create as little waste as possible, we could enhance all of nature.

Did you know there is a lady scientist in Utah who has developed a process that creates no pollution and turns plastic into fuel? I ask, “Why aren’t we supporting this type of research rather than all the ludicrous projects the government’s pork-barrel schemes choose?” As an example, we are still giving foreign aid to China. Do you think that actually helps any of the people rather than the politicians? I am tired of my many tax dollars being spent overseas and leaving us to do without. We are our brother’s keeper to the extent that we help where we can, but we cannot police and supply the whole planet. That old adage, “You give a man a fish and he eats for a day, you teach a man to fish and he feeds himself.” When you are dependent on an outside source for your survival, you lose the ability to respect and trust yourself. When you confuse children about their gender, you create a population of lost souls who will never know who they are or trust themselves.

Whatever happened to plain common sense? No matter what you do, some things you can’t change, gender being one of them. God (Source) does not make mistakes. You choose the body you come into and it may be uncomfortable. So be it! You need to make peace with who you are. Maybe you have been a male in many lifetimes and this is your first time as a female.  You could experience a lot of tendencies of being a male. There is no harm in that, but if you deny the opportunity of balancing your experiences because you are uncomfortable, then you lose the lessons this lifetime has to offer. Embrace being uncomfortable — it causes great growth. There is not a teenager alive who has not or does not experience being uncomfortable as their body changes. No child has the wisdom or ability to discern what is going to be their truth as a teenager. It is part of the natural process. If it is always easy, you wind up having no ability to deal with adversity. Embrace the difficult. Develop some intestinal fortitude. Accept who you are — there is nothing wrong with you. Learn balance. If you are an adult, choose a willing partner if you want but accept the body God (Source) gave you, as it is where God (Source) lives. Get the lesson of this life. I guarantee if you are not happy with yourself before you change your gender, you will never be happy with any change you make. Loving who you are as you are is the only way to move forward into joy.

Your thoughts about yourself are what make you uncomfortable, not your body. If you treat others with respect and loving kindness, you are perfect in God’s eyes; now be perfect in your eyes just as you are and quit trying to confuse our children who just need to be children. Stability is the key and when there are x number of genders, you will never have stability. Accept your body — tall, short, fat, skinny, whatever color, male or female, and learn to love yourself. That is the mission if you choose to accept it.

Sorry about the rant but sometimes common sense must become dominant in the name of all that is holy.

Blessings, Dove