If I could gift you with anything, it would be the gift of deep faith. At this time on the planet, faith that we are in the right place at the right time is so important, it brings us peace. Are we holding the most uplifting thoughts we can feel? As our world shifts, are we trying to hold on to what was, or do we trust our own inner guidance (source) that we will be guided for our best and highest good? That is my question for today.

Where does that trust and faith come from? How do you sustain it in the most uncertain of moments? When I was in my early twenties, a friend explained to me that all you need is shelter, some clothing, and enough food to eat. All the rest is luxury. When you think of it like that, you can embrace all that you have that is so much more.

I started focusing on all that I had that was so much more, and from that place of faith and trust, so much more evolved. If I choose to be in fear, I cancel out all the good energy created by my faith. So, I trust. My focus is what can I do to make this a better place for all living things? Can I do more than I already am?

I constantly ask God (source) to make me aware of where I can be of service. What is amazing is God (source) constantly takes care of me. As an example, my new young neighbors refused to allow my 80-year-old husband to crawl up on the roof to assess the snow. They watch out for us. I do my best to help them. If we have not cleared our driveway by a certain time of day, they check to see if we need help. How blessed we are!!!

Again, it goes back to trusting. God will always give you back ten times ten the energy you put out. So, it is important to be aware of the energy you are holding.

When I was little and going to Sunday School, I always wondered what we had done that was so bad that God didn’t talk to us anymore like he did in the Bible. I came to discover I had to spend as much time talking, not praying for things, just talking to God (source) as if he/she were my best friend. Source is my best friend and the only place I need to connect is within.

It took many years before I was able to hear what God was saying to me. You have to get really quiet to hear the voice, as there is no pressure to listen, but the greatest gift you can give yourself is to know that there is an aspect of you that is totally connected to that source and you are loved deeply. Trust that love, seek it with all your heart, and fear has no place to anchor its energy.

I would give you the gift of faith, today and always, because it does set you free. Blessings on your journey.  Dove