Conversacion de Ingles and Tutoring Classes Start Up!


 After a short holiday break, the Hailey Public Library’s free Conversacion de Inglés returns on Fridays, 6:00-7:30 PM, at Hailey Town Center West starting January 13.  The weekly class taught by tutor Leonardo Padilla Sacha is designed for native Spanish speakers of all abilities in a structured but informal atmosphere. Native English speakers are also on hand to assist. Drop-ins are welcome.

 HPL is also offering Inglés Tutoría, a new, weekly language learning program every Friday from 5:00-6:00 PM, also at Town Center West. Tutoría is a free one-on-one or small group basic tutoring opportunity with native English speakers. Participants can ask for help on a particular topic, for example to practice numbers, or come simply to engage in conversation at any level. Drop ins are welcome.

 “We’ve been delighted by the response to the Conversacion de Inglés classes over the past 9 months,” commented Kristin Fletcher, the library’s programs and engagement manager, “It really meets a need in our community.  Many participants asked if we could also provide additional opportunities for them to practice their English one-on-one or with a small group of friends. So, starting this Friday we’ve added Inglés Tutoría, a free, hour-long tutoring opportunity before the regular class. Folks can come for either one or both.”

 Hailey Town Center West is located across from the library at 116 S River Street in Hailey.  For more information, contact the library at 208-788-2036 or visit