Origami Cranes and Loving Kindness Meditation


 In honor of the holiday season, meditation teacher Mary Ann Chubb and Hailey Public Library’s Kristin Fletcher will offer an evening workshop for adults on origami crane folding accompanied by a guided loving kindness meditation at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15, at Town Center West. The workshop is free and materials will be provided.

 “During this workshop, we’ll teach participants how to fold beautiful origami cranes that they can take home to ornament their holiday tree or give as gifts as well as offer a supportive loving kindness meditation,” said Fletcher, the library’s education and engagement manager.

Chubb, a 40-year resident of the Wood River Valley, became interested in meditation in 1996. She has attended many meditation retreats and was a facilitator with the Flourish Foundation for eight years, teaching mindfulness practices to children in public and private schools throughout the Valley. Fletcher has been folding cranes and giving them as gifts ever since.

 Hailey Town Center West is located across from the library at 116 S. River Street in Hailey.  For more information, contact the library at (208) 788-2036 or visit haileypubliclibrary.org.