Truth Or Dare

Children with rucksacks standing in the park near school. Pupils with books and backpacks outdoors


Do you remember the game? It was long before electronics occupied our every waking moment. I will warn you; I am going on a rant for support of TRUTH from my observation and perspective. There is a quote by C.S. Lewis, “If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort, you will not get either comfort or truth.”

I am going to step out of my usual mode and become uncomfortable for the sake of our future. There is also another quote I want to share, and I do not know the author. “Love cannot exist with lies any more than the truth can exist alongside lies.” We are not getting truth from any of our sources. There is now literature in our local school libraries that is quite sexual in nature. Is that appropriate? I don’t know about you, but for me, teaching kids who have just learned to tie their shoes and control their bladders about sex and your gender is placing too much focus on sexuality. Let the children learn to live in the bodies God gave them, master those bodies and emotions, and then, if things don’t fit, make a choice as an adult who you want to be.

Sex is an emotionally and physically charged sensation and the maturity to handle it comes with a level of experience that does not exist in school-age children. You expose a child to sex too early and they become ungrounded. Their body is not a safe place to be. How do you destroy a country? You destroy a country by removing the moral fiber and family values from the environment. If the family does not exist, then the children turn to other sources for love. They look to the authority figures in their lives for guidance. Become aware of what the authority figures are programming into your children. The media makes everything about your choice of sexuality. Is that really how we want to be defined, by our choice of sexual partners? How about being defined by the values we hold, such as truth, justice, integrity and love? We so need to wake up to how we and our children are being programmed without even being conscious of it.

Look up what Khrushchev said in 1959 in how they would take us over. Six of the eight points have already been accomplished. If you truly want to understand the purpose of all of this, check out It takes 84 minutes to watch, but at least this is mostly facts, not hype.

I love our children and I want to have a stable and strong family environment for all of us. Quit making confusion the emotion of the day, month, year. Please, please, wake up, become uncomfortable, stand for freedom, truth and love even if you offend someone. I Dare You!!! Blessings, Dove