The energy right now can be really intense or you can use it to enhance your experience of life. The first and foremost thing to remember is to stay grounded.  You might ask, what is that? Well, from someone who was ungrounded for the first 50 years of life, I will tell you. When you are not grounded, you are not in control of your own energy. You are at the mercy of the elements around you. You don’t belong to yourself and there is an anxiety that can completely throw you off-center, even to the point of hallucinations. Being ungrounded contributes to depression.

Now, how do you get grounded? Take your shoes off and walk on the earth—even in the winter, if you are brave. Learn to deep breathe as a way of life. Taking three deep breaths from the belly will connect you to your higher self. When you are grounded and connected to your higher self, you are in a place of inner peace. It does not matter the energy around you—your higher self will always keep you calm and safe.

Depression is rampant in this country because people have no idea how to connect to the earth or to their own guidance. The first cure for depression is to do something for someone else, even it is just returning your neighbor’s garbage can to their abode. When you are depressed, it is so hard to get out of yourself and you get stuck at the same depressing frequency, recycling the same icky energy. Nothing is going to get better if you don’t change something. Motivate yourself to just move, even a little. Get a pet that needs care, as they will distract you from yourself. Even just adopt a plant that needs care and will bloom. Its beauty will also raise your vibration.

In the last 25 years, I have become very familiar with tools that keep my vibration high. I create food, art, clothing, take classes online. Life is a constant adventure of discovering something new or appreciating something joyfully old. Very little of this takes money, just movement. From my perspective, TV has become worthless as a means of raising my vibration, except for YouTube. The music we find each evening raises my heart to almost the stage of bliss. Music like “Il Divo” or “Il Volo” cause my heart to soar with joy. I feel every note. Now, that is just me.

There are tools out there for each of us to vibrate to a higher frequency. Studies have shown that people with cancer vibrate at a frequency of around 26 hertz. Healthy people, studies have shown, vibrate around 50 hertz. Lavender oil, for one, has a frequency of 120 hertz. Rose oil is off the charts at 320 hertz. Your environment affects your frequency, your thoughts affect your frequency, the food you eat affects your frequency. You are constantly at choice for where you choose to spend your energy. You are not a victim of anyone’s energy unless you choose to be. You are the only one that can save yourself. Take just one step and things will change, but you have to make the shift.

Remember, where your focus goes, energy flows. To laughter, truth and an enlightened future for all of us. Set your sights high. Make joy your mantra. Love the animals, plants and the earth and you will be loved back. Much love, Dove