3rd Annual ‘Locally Grown Guide’ On Stands Now


The Third Annual Wood River Valley Locally Grown Guide is out now with 130 listings for farms and ranches, restaurants, retailers, caterers, food artisans, and beverage crafters who produce and sell local products.

Expanded and improved, the 2022 Guide includes information on sourcing locally grown food and eliminating food waste in your home. Gold, Silver and Bronze basket rankings recognize the commitment of restaurants and chefs to using locally grown food. With over 100 local food business listings, informative articles, and interactive content, it is the only comprehensive resource for eating locally in the Wood River Valley. The Guide makes sourcing and eating locally simple and fun. In 2022, 3,500 Guides will be distributed to residents and visitors.

The free guide, a publication of Local Food Alliance, a Sun Valley Institute for Resilience program, connects residents and visitors to high-quality seasonal food produced in our regional foodshed and invites everyone to experience the farms, food businesses and organizations that create the distinctive flavor of our community.

“We created the Guide to make it simple for everyone to engage with the food system and savor the flavors of our foodshed,” says Amy Mattias, Sun Valley Institute for Resilience program director. “It’s fun and easy to use, which makes it a powerful tool for building affinity between consumers and the people who grow their food. Loyalty to local producers ensures a prosperous future for family farmers throughout the region.”

“Studies show that one-third of all food purchased by households is wasted,” says Mike Gordon, the Institute’s communications manager. “Every time you throw food out, you are increasing the cost of the food you eat while adding to the landfill. The new food waste content in the Guide is aimed at making local food more affordable by reducing what gets thrown away. Reducing food waste also decreases carbon and methane emissions. It’s a win-win.”

To celebrate the launch of the second annual Locally Grown Guide, Sun Valley Institute for Resilience will be participating in the Wood River Farmers’ Markets at the end of June. Copies of the Guide, kids activities and a special launch promotion in collaboration with Roadbars will be available at their booth at both the Hailey and Ketchum markets. The Guide is also available for digital viewing at locallygrownguide.org.