Beyond The Falls



Just south of Innsbruck, Austria, is a small village called Neustift im Stubaital. Above this village is a grand waterfall called the Grawa Falls. When you enter this area, a peace so profound comes over you and you just want to sit in the energy. I have been lucky enough to have this experience several times. The University of Salsburg made a study of the energy in this area, and it has been proven that just sitting for an hour in the mist has very healing properties and reduces stress greatly. The Austrians, being very interested in health, have built rows and rows of wooden recliners so you can relax in the energy of the falls. It truly is one of the most delightful experiences. There is little parking and there is a bus that runs every half hour that drops you off and picks you up. No charge.

I wanted to share this energy with you because I know that so many of us are feeling the need to just remove ourselves from the energy of the current political environment. I would suggest that we have plenty of waterfalls that would exude an equal healing energy. Water is such a sacred resource and being in its presence is a gift that we should make time for. Honor the water, connect with it in a quiet way, and see what the energy has to say.

You can communicate with any energy if you just get quiet, release doubt and ego that says you can’t, and listen. I try to make time each day to communicate with the nature around me and it fills my soul. The pussy willows are just starting to open and there is one particular variety that is always first. I resist the urge to pick them and allow them to continue on their journey and settle for just giving them a little pet. We could create peace if all of us would stop our world for a little time every day to honor nature, connect with the energy and absorb it. There is no easier way to create peace within. Creating peace within ourselves is the quickest way to create peace on the planet.

According to spiritual information I have encountered, one person who is holding a positive space can neutralize the energy of 100,000 unconscious beings in negativity. We can have joy, peace, health and abundance if we all just take time every day to feel the energy of the water. Cherish it; it is a living energy. You will benefit from the time spent and so will the planet. It is going to take every one of us holding the energy of peace to evolve beyond the daily drama we are confronted with, but again, it is your choice.

Where are you going to put your focus? We must unite and make peace the dominant frequency. Let us give up all forms of separation and just realize we are all part of the same whole. What happens to each of us affects us all. Be the soothing energy of the water and stand for truth. We are at a critical juncture in history. Let us make the right choice to serve one another. Blessings. Dove