I think the greatest gift we can give someone is the gift of acceptance. In giving acceptance to others, we give it to ourselves. That is oftentimes a huge task. We can see all the reasons we don’t deserve to be accepted as we are, but we rarely look at the good that we do and why we would be blessed if we accepted ourselves.

When this article comes out, we will have just celebrated Valentine’s Day. My best friend in the world passed in 2009 on Valentine’s Day after a very long battle with cancer. We all gathered around her and did a prayer to send her soul off at the highest frequency possible. When I looked at her physical body that was no longer breathing, I saw an incredible light body several inches above her physical body and she was smiling at me. I heard the words, ”We did it!” She got out at the highest frequency possible. She was one of the 25 nurses in the Vietnam era that was awarded a Bronze Star for bravery. Her name was Sharon and of all the people I know, she gave unconditional acceptance to all she met. She was certified in mediation and often assisted those in need of resolution. The one thing she would not tolerate is unkindness to anyone. She did not hesitate to call out prejudice when she saw it.

I wish at this point in time that we could dissolve all the issues facing us that cause separation, that cause a lack of acceptance. It would help us all if we looked to where our prejudice or separation is born. Is it born from truth? Is it born from experience? Is it born from false narrative? And, lastly, is it born from fear?

Another gift we can give ourselves is the gift of “TRUTH.” With the gift of truth we can develop tools to solve any problem. Without truth, we do not have a basis for our belief systems. Our beliefs are merely statements made or believed from a place of individual credence. I have had to look at where my belief systems (B.S.) are flawed. How are they separating me from expanding my consciousness? I found a few and I took steps to correct the places where I held separation. I reached out to connect with ones I have avoided. We will see how it goes. The only truth that exists is Love.

This community so moved as a unit of kindness when we had the Castle Rock Fire. I was proud to be a member of this Valley. Now, my heart hurts at the division that has been created by differences in beliefs about masks and vaccines. Again, where your focus goes, energy flows, and this illness that has filled our experience for the past two years needs to have the energy deleted from all of our consciousnesses. Let us eliminate the C word from our minds and hearts and reach out with acceptance, no matter where you stand. Make sure the stand you take is based in “Truth”—not the news or social media, but from your own personal experience of life. Ask if you are creating division and separation with your thoughts. Truly, we must move beyond the issues, stand for freedom, individual choice and kindness.

Happy Valentine’s Day, and may we all make room to love one another. Dove