Gold nuggets natural on a white background.


Sometimes we are gifted with little pieces of magic that take a moment from your life and all its distractions and make you appreciate the now. We had one such experience yesterday. Four months ago we bought a new car and after that amount of time we had never received the title. We checked with the auto dealership as to its location and they stated it had been sent to the DMV. In checking with the DMV, they said they mailed it to a certain box number. It was not our box number and the title had not been returned to the DMV.

After four months we get a call from a strange number we don’t know and for some reason my husband picks it up, which we don’t usually do. It was a lady saying she had just gotten here and got her mail from two months ago and found she had the title to our car. She kindly took the time to look us up in the phone book, called us, and we met with her and retrieved our car title after this extended length of time. The envelope had the wrong box number, and the address on the document was also incorrect, with a different box number. When something is yours, it will come home to you. We are so grateful for the energy this stranger gave to us.

Let’s all take time to reflect on the moments someone has gone out of their way to give assistance, and make a list. Put that list somewhere where you can see it. It will remind you of the goodness of people and give you hope that we will evolve beyond the current status of avoiding contact with our fellow humans. I giggle whenever I am on the bike path, walking. Whenever you meet someone, for the most part they can’t wait to have a conversation, including me. Things are not always as they seem, and we all need to dig a little deeper for truth.

A wise man stated that there are three kinds of people: those who just jump through all the hoops placed on them without question. Then, if there is a mistake, they do not have any responsibility. After all, the authorities said this was the best plan. What if the authorities do not have your best interest at heart but only their agenda? The others question the authority, but in order to keep a job and feed their family, they acquiesce to the agenda of the authorities, but have resistance. Then there are those who do their own research and come to their own conclusions and resist at all costs. It is time to decide what camp you want to live in—to be totally controlled by an outside source or to be true to yourself and your own knowledge, thus keeping your freedom.

Keep looking for the best in all things and that is what we will create. Value freedom above all else, for without it we are slaves to a system.

Look deep. Things are not always as they seem.

Much love for truth, Dove