We’ve Changed The Tools

Bryce Angell – The outdoors has always been a large part of my life. My father was an outfitter and guide for 35 years and I was there to shoe and care for the horses and help him do the cooking. We took many great trips into the Yellowstone area. Even now that I’m older, we still ride into the Tetons, Yellowstone and surrounding areas. My poems are mostly of personal experience. I am now retired and enjoying life to the fullest. I plan to do more riding and writing.

One thing I’ll never do is tell you how to raise your kid. Lord knows that raising children was the toughest thing I did.

Each parent shares a technique how to raise up their own child. Till their routine’s interrupted by a young one screaming wild.

While walking down the candy isle at Merkle’s local store, I witnessed one long tantrum from a little boy ‘bout four.

The young boy bellowed out just like a gut-shot buffalo. Then jumped down from the shopping cart right on my left big toe.

I’m sure I cursed out loud, which didn’t stop the boy a bit. He started kicking on the cart and throwing one big fit.

By now his crying changed to screams, a tantrum at its best. His mother looked at me and said, “He has put us to the test!”

But then her words surprised me. “We don’t want to stifle growth or change his personality. Chastising might ruin both.”

I wondered, was she kidding? Were my old ears failing me? It seems this new age parenting shows cause to disagree.

I couldn’t help but think about when I was just a boy. My parents would be thinking of the folks I might annoy.

There wouldn’t be a tantrum, I can tell you that for sure. You daresn’t even start one—wasn’t worth a butt so sore.

We knew by four years old to show respect to Mom and Dad. ‘Cuz disrespect had consequence that always turned out bad.

You seldom saw a temper from a disrespectful soul. Was it fear that kept us kids in check? Well, more than likely so.

Have we done our children favors changing all the parent tools? And maybe would it help each child to have a set of rules?

  – Bryce Angell