Holiday Safety Tips 2021


There are ways to enjoy the season while protecting your and your loved ones’ health. Because many generations tend to celebrate holidays together, the best way to minimize COVID-19 risk for yourself, friends and family is to get vaccinated. In addition, maximize protection from the Delta variant by wearing a mask in public indoor spaces if you’re in an area of substantial or high transmission. Also, be sure to get your flu shot!

Gathering Safely

  • Limit in-person gatherings to members of your household; celebrate virtually with other family and friends.
  • Protect those not yet eligible for vaccination, like young children, by getting yourself and other eligible people around them vaccinated.
  • Wear well-fitting masks over your nose and mouth while in public indoor settings. (Do not put a mask on children younger than 2 years old.)
  • Outdoors is safer than indoors; avoid crowded, poorly ventilated spaces.
  • If you’re sick or have symptoms, don’t host or attend a gathering.
  • Get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or come in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.

If your gathering includes multiple households or out-of-town guests, consider additional precautions. Ask everyone to avoid crowded indoor spaces before traveling or take a COVID-19 test before your gathering to further reduce risk.

Traveling Safely

Travel increases your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. If you must travel, make sure you’re well informed about   the risks you face and any specific requirements at your destination(s), such as proof of vaccine or masking.

  • Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) travel page. The CDC still recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated.
  • If you’re not fully vaccinated and must travel, follow CDC’s domestic travel or international travel recommendations for unvaccinated people.
  • If you’re traveling in a group with unvaccinated people, choose safer travel options.
  • Everyone (even those fully vaccinated)  is required to wear a mask on public transportation and follow international travel recommendations.

For more information and resources, including how to cope with stress, knowing your travel risk and when to delay travel, community transmission, risk and how to best avoid spreading the virus, visit: