Fishing Report

picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

Fall bugs are here and these hatches are getting stronger by the day. Cooler nighttime temperatures are pushing the starting times back quite a bit. There is no need to be on the water before 9:00 a.m. The fishing picks up throughout the day and peaks with the afternoon heat. Anglers will continue to find good action until sunset.

Silver Creek is seeing the first good hatches of the Mahogany Dun in the middle of the day. This is a favorite of the fish and a hatch that seems to make the fish lose all the weariness they develop throughout the summer months. Generally, the Mahogany Dun is accompanied by big Fall Baetis hatches. The fish will switch back and forth between the two hatches, so be sure the fish you are targeting are eating the bug representing the correct hatch. Be willing to switch back and forth because the fish certainly are. The October Caddis is the other big hatch on the Creek right now. This hatch normally occurs at night, but the best fishing activity is in the early evening up until sunset.

The Big Wood is super low and clear and, in many instances, acts like Silver Creek. Use those Silver Creek techniques on the Wood right now and you’ll catch more fish. A low profile, a slow approach to the water and a keen eye will make a big difference. The Fall Baetis and Western Red Quill are showing up in the heat of the day and will bring most fish to the surface. This is still a good time to fish the Rusty Spinner to rising fish as well as the Gulper Special.

The upper Lost is fishing much like the Big Wood. Low water means a slightly more technical fishery, but there are also a lot fewer anglers fishing here right now. If you go, Ants are a great fly. You will see Western Red Quills on this river as well. If things get tough, search the deepest pools with Streamers.

The lower Lost River is seeing a few anglers and the low flows have made this a spotty fishery, but anglers can find some fish in the riffles and the heads of the deeper pools. The more we move into the fall the more you will want to pay attention to the slicks and flats at the tails of the pools.

Happy fishing, everyone!