Women’s Foundation Offers First-Ever Grant


The Wood River Women’s Foundation (WRWF) will begin accepting Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for its first-ever Focus Grant 2022 from nonprofits that best address closing the opportunity gap in education. LOIs should indicate topics that include, but are not limited to: decreasing chronic achievement gaps between student sub-populations; providing “catch-up” instruction and support for students who have experienced learning loss due to COVID; and, bolstering early-learning programs for students who lack school readiness skills, among others.

For more details about the WRWF $100,000 Focus Grant 2022, go to https://woodriverwomensfoundation.org/focus-grant-2022/. The call for LOIs opens 9/1/2021 and closes 10/1/2021. An award announcement will be made in early April 2022. Submit LOIs electronically at tinyurl.com/FG2022LOI

Since its founding 15 years ago, the WRWF has granted more than $3.2M to Blaine County nonprofits with more than half a million dollars going to educational programs. Already in 2021, the WRWF awarded a record-breaking $100K of individual grants to organizations working on elementary school literacy, assisting students in K-8 who have fallen behind due to the pandemic, and providing summer enrichment programming to keep first- and second-graders on track.

WRWF is a collective of women who pool their contributions in order to achieve greater community impact while advancing their philanthropic skills. All women are welcome to join and participate in assessing the dozens of applications received each year, and vote on the awards.