Red question mark on a white background (Vector cliparts) red,question,mark,white,background


Who is the authority in your life? Is it you? Is it your spouse, your kids, your boss, your job, your friends? Is it the government, your religion, your medical professional? Sometimes we have to just get quiet inside and determine who we are allowing to be the dictator of our experiences. I know I make many choices in order to please the people around me, whereas if I just had to consider myself, I would make a less safe choice—or a more radical choice if I was the only one affected—but few of us really stand alone. We let the fear of others, to whom we have given authority, control our lives.

I just want to know the Truth and it seems to me there must exist a truth that is common to all humanity, but what is it? The one truth I can come up with is that we are all going to die at some point. The when, how and where of that are yet to be determined. That is the only certainty I know. What does most of humanity do but spend their energy being afraid of death. This is the one certain thing in our lives and, for the most part, everyone lets the fear of death control their behavior. What if we didn’t fear death? What if we chose to live our lives fully for as long as we could? What if we were no longer victims of our fear?

I think this is an experiment worth trying. Live fully, harming no one; love unconditionally—first yourself, and then others. What if we gave up trying to control others as long as they did us no harm. Right now, in our world, fear of death is controlling our whole lives. We are being limited to such an extent by authority so that we can be given a life of isolation unless we take the orders of the few. There is something wrong with this picture and very little truth is being given. An agenda is in place that is being used to control you, limit you, just because you could possibly die or someone else could possibly die. There are many things worse than death, such as a lack of freedom, emotionally and physically. Why allow yourself to be controlled so you can live a life of limitation.

We are being forced to make our lives smaller and smaller if we do not obey the mandates placed before us. We were given planet Earth as a planet of free will and we have given that up to the authority of a few, some of them well-meaning but most with an agenda that only has their interests at heart. Truthfully, if you follow the money, you find the agenda. This is a sad way to live and I apologize for the rant. But don’t accept the information given you at face value. Much is hidden, so use your own guidance on how to proceed.

We have become a population of comfort-seekers and have let ourselves be trapped by an authority that says be a sheep, don’t think for yourself, we will take care of you. When you allow someone to take care of you, they get to make the rules and you have no one to blame but yourself for all the limitations.

Find the truth. Give up fear of death so that you can live freely, fully and joyfully. Much love, Dove