Yield To Oncoming Smiles



My home is next to a section of the Wood River bike path and yesterday, when I was taking my daily joyful ride, I saw there was a new addition to the path. Posted on the path with the use of a well-crafted stencil were several positive sayings. The sayings were only posted on a small section of the path, but the messages were delightful. The first message stated “Stay sunny.” A little farther down the path was another message, “Yield to oncoming smiles.” And even farther down the path was “If you wave when you are riding a bike, use all your fingers.”\

It is so easy to be aware of the negative things in our world, but how often do we plan to uplift people with our messages? Whoever carefully made the stencils and posted the white writings on the path truly was trying to uplift all the users on the path. I loved “Yield to oncoming smiles.” What a delightful message and thought! I always try to greet everyone I see on the path with a “Good morning” or “…beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

Truthfully, most people greet you back—but some people are so engrossed in their journey that they never see or hear the beauty around them. Then there are others, like the girl who was texting on her phone while riding her bike with no hands. Was she even conscious of the magnificence around her?

My time on the bike path is cherished for the wind in my face, the smell of the willows, or the fragrance of the trees. When it rains, the rabbit brush gives off the most luscious of fragrances. I feel so blessed to have the clean air we breathe, and the path keeps the participants safe and away from the traffic. The path is truly a wonderful addition to our world. Bless the individuals who had the foresight to create the path.

Maybe we could all take a moment to smile to those we pass and realize that our smile may be the best part of someone’s day. Your beautiful energy is a gift. Don’t hesitate to share the gift of your smile. Don’t worry what someone will think. If you are loving your moment, you give the gift of love to whomever you pass.

Let’s spread the joy of being outside in our beautiful valley. You have the opportunity to make someone’s day, especially yours. Much love, Dove.