Teachers, District Reach Tentative Contract Agreement


The Blaine County School District says its negotiations team has reached a tentative agreement regarding teacher pay and benefits for the 2021-22 school year.

Next, the so-called Master Agreement will be presented to the Blaine County Education Association full membership for a ratification vote. The BCSD Board of Trustees will then vote on the agreement, as well. If the e-agreement is approved by all parties, it will be signed by BCEA President John Thomas and BCSD Board of Trustees Chair Keith Roark. The 2021-22 Master Agreement will then be posted to the district’s website.

“We are appreciative of all the BCEA members, district staff and board members who worked to reach this agreement,” said Fritz Peters, interim superintendent. “We look forward to taking the next step in the process.”

The Negotiation Team includes Blaine County Education Association members, district office staff and two Board of Trustee members. The negotiations have been streamed publicly on YouTube, allowing all staff and community members to watch live.