The Voice Inside

Dog walker enjoying with dogs while walking outdoors.


The voice inside is very quiet and you have to be still to hear it. It does not shout or tell you what to do. You can be sure if it is shouting, it is your ego trying to control and keep you trapped at a lower level of existence.

From my experience, the voice inside is always kind. It has no harsh words for any living thing. It will always give love. That’s how I know I am connected to my higher guidance.

Patience is also required to hear that inner voice, which is your higher self, your guides or your angels. I prefer to leave the label blank as it limits my divine messages.

Your guidance can come from a piece of nature. Nature always gives us a sign but we so often miss the sign because we expect it to be bigger. As an example, today I was mediating out in nature with two friends. We had done a ritual where we had called in the angels by toning. We then went into a guided meditation as we all sat on a log by the river. What was amazing as we sat with Mother Earth and listened to the water, people were walking by, all with their dogs. Each dog checked us out. The guidance came from the names of the dogs that visited. Each was named “Grace.” That was no coincidence because “grace” was the energy field we were seeking. We received confirmation that we were indeed in a state of “grace.”

To me, a state of “grace” feels like I am totally connected to the earth, to nature, to humanity, health, abundance and, most of all, love. We are always guided and blessed. Just look for the signs.

I use a mantra of “I am divinely guided and protected in all ways.” I trust that to the depth of my being, but it has taken a lot of growth to consistently embrace that belief system. It can be so easy to get caught up in the drama of everyday life. I still slip every day on embracing this belief, but I mostly am catching myself because the doubt and anxiety defeat my peace of mind. At this stage in my life, I choose peace of mind, health of body and abundance of love.

Take time every day to chose to be divinely guided because that will build the trust that you are guided for the greatest good. This is about learning to love yourself. Be kind to yourself and remember that there is always help. Just take a moment to release the offending issue and solutions are presented.