How Intensely Do You Love Yourself?



How intensely to do you love yourself? Not from an egoic standpoint, but a point of working to truly know who you are. To truly love yourself means to honor your heartfelt thoughts. Your true desires are honored by you, for you. Or, do you adjust your desires to make others more comfortable? Do you bend to their opinions?

I have watched my thoughts lately to determine how often I am controlled by the opinion of others. Now, here is an example. I love to wear my Tevas. They make my feet happy and comfortable. They are my footwear of choice. I put them on as soon as the weather permits and don’t usually take them off until the snow is almost ready to fall. This can be a bit of a problem, especially when it is cold outside because “fashion” protocol says you should never wear socks with Tevas. Well, I love my shoe of choice so much, and it was cold out, so I put socks on with my desired footwear. My feet were so happy, I was happy and I didn’t give a rip what the fashion police might think.

That goes right along with not wearing white pants after Labor Day. I have decided to fire the fashion industry for the sake of loving my comfort. How often do we make choices because of the opinions of others? It is time we all start to become aware of the freedoms we give away just to please some imaginary set of rules that don’t make your life better or happier.

Klaus Obermeyer just turned 101 years of age. He still downhill skis with grace. He states that the secret to his long-lasting vitality is the following: “If you are not active, you are usually not alive, so I believe in continuously staying active,” and consistency is the key. Klaus eats healthfully, avoids sugar and drinks lots of water and, most importantly, he tells people “always to be happy and enjoy life.”

Do you know yourself well enough to know what makes you happy, or is your life the same old rut that you have been doing because it is familiar? Really take an assessment of how you use your energy. Why do you spend your time the way you do? Is your mind deeply engaged in what you do? Does time pass without you being aware because you are so engrossed in your creations? That is the way to truly live abundantly.

It is never about money. It is about where your focus goes. Be brave enough to shake your life up. Give yourself permission to change your ways. Be there for yourself just once in a while. Work on letting your dreams come true. Give them energy and you will be amazed at the freedom you will feel. Go ahead, wear your sandals with socks! Be happy!!!

The little things you give yourself will blossom into bigger things and your freedom to be will expand. Sing out loud while you walk the Bow Bridge trail. Nature will love it. Happiness is but a decision away.  Dove