Under the leadership of the Climate Action Coalition of the Wood River Valley (CAC), organizations up and down the Wood River Valley have banded together to offer two days of outdoor-based Earth Day celebrations on Thursday, April 22nd, and Saturday, April 24th.
With a strong emphasis on ‘lowering your personal carbon footprint,’ many of the activities will revolve around active and public transportation. The day itself is called ‘Bike the Valley, Earth Day Fest!’ All residents in the Valley are encouraged to hop on their bikes, walk, or e-bus to a variety of activities on Saturday, April 24th.
As one of the Earth Day partners, the Blaine Country Recreation District (BCRD) encourages all people to use the Wood River Trail (WRT) with respect and care—practice social distancing, obey the speed limit, and keep the trail clean. There will be no booths on the WRT, yet it is a safe route to walk and bike between activities in Ketchum, Hailey, Woodside and Bellevue.
CAC’s other Earth Day organizing partners include Blaine County, Mountain Rides, P.R.O.J.E.C.T.O.O.L.S, and the Idaho Conservation League. CAC and its partners have engaged a wider group of 10-plus local nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and student groups to offer activities.
Aside from active and public transportation, the other Earth Day activities will focus on ecosystem health, sustainable agriculture, zero waste, and educating the next generation for a healthier future. All activities will be free of charge and open to people of all ages. See CAC’s website and social media for a complete Earth Day list of activities, organized by location and time.
CAC has held a vision for an inclusive, Valley-wide Earth Day celebration since its inception. Elizabeth Jeffrey, the lead Earth Day organizer, has said that “Coming together to celebrate something that we all experience, love and value—our beautiful environment and home—is key. In celebration, we can deepen our connection to nature and our understanding of what we must do to remediate our climate crisis and ensure a healthy future. Everyone can do something.”
To check out the schedule of events off the bike path, go to
The mission of the Climate Action Coalition is to promote and support community-wide action on climate change.