‘Kids’ Superpowers’ Author To Speak Locally, Virtually


Sun Valley Community School Parents’ Association will host a virtual book discussion via Zoom with best-selling author Dr. Michele Borba, Ed.D., on Thursday, April 29 at 12:00 p.m. (MST). Borba is an internationally renowned educational psychologist, a former classroom teacher and an expert in parenting, bullying, and character development.

The discussion is the third and final in the Parents’ Association’s 2020-21 Book + Speaker Series. This event is free and open to the community. Guests are encouraged (but not required) to read Borba’s bestselling book, “Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle While Others Shine” in advance of the discussion. Guests can go to communityschool.org/news/events for the Zoom link to join the meeting.

In her book, Dr. Borba identifies seven teachable strengths that she says will safeguard kids for the future, mixing a keen cultural analysis of modern stresses with practical “how-to” strategies and ideas for everyday activities that build up kids’ strength, resilience, happiness and success.

As a teacher, educational consultant, and parent for 40 years, Borba discovered that the difference between those who struggle and those who succeed comes down not to seven essential character strengths that set Thrivers apart (and set them up for happiness and greater accomplishment later in life): self-confidence, empathy, self-control, integrity, curiosity, perseverance, and optimism.

Each of these seven character strengths is like a superpower, Borba says, that helps safeguard kids against the depression and anxiety that threatens to derail them. Parents will find an assessment guide to determine their child’s “superpower” (and areas that need development).